Mississippi Wildland Firefighters Deployed to Oklahoma
Nine Wildland Firefighters have been deployed to assist with wildfire suppression efforts in Oklahoma.
On Sunday, the Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) deployed nine Wildland Firefighters to assist with wildfire suppression efforts in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is experiencing record-breaking wildfire conditions this year, fueled by high winds and drought conditions. Nearly 900,000 acres have burned in Oklahoma since January 1, 2017.
“We are extremely proud of the MFC Wildland Firefighters who are assisting our state agency partners in Oklahoma. Fighting the destructive power of wildfire means that our crews are working in extreme conditions protecting lives, homes, and forestland,” said Charlie Morgan, State Forester. “We wish them a safe trip and look forward to their return home in approximately two weeks.”
Mississippi Forestry Commission Website – www.mfc.ms.gov
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