Forestry in Mississippi 2018
In Mississippi, forest resources are sustainably utilized to enhance quality of life for the citizens of Mississippi.
In Mississippi, forest resources are sustainably utilized to enhance economic development, provide environmental benefits, educational opportunities, reduce the impact of pollution, and enhance quality of life for the citizens of Mississippi.
$12.79 BILLION
Mississippi’s forestry and forest products industries have a $12.79 billion economic impact.
Forestry consistently ranks as the state’s second most valuable agricultural commodity, right behind the poultry industry
School Trust Land (16th section) timber sale revenue contributes millions toward education each year.
of Mississippi’s forestland is privately owned by approx. 350,000 people.
EMPLOYS 70,000
Almost 70,000 people are employed in forestry or related industries.
Mississippi’s forestry and forest products industries have a $3.08 billion annual payroll.