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Public Lands Programs

The Mississippi Forestry Commission provides management assistance for Mississippi’s non-federal public forests, including our state’s 16th Section School Trust Lands.

Private Landowner Services

The Mississippi Forestry Commission offers services to non-industrial, private forest landowners. This includes forest management planning and advice and direct, fee-based maintenance services.

Grant Programs

The Mississippi Forestry Commission offers grant programs that advance forestry education in our state, promote the growth of healthy forests, and provide firefighters with equipment and supplies.

Educational Workshops & Public Outreach

We help provide public outreach programs to enhance public awareness of wildfire prevention as well as Mississippi Forestry Commission’s mission and services. The MFC also hosts technical assistance workshops that provide educational opportunities to learn about prescribed burning and other best forest management practices.

Urban and Community Forestry

The Urban and Community Forestry Program allows the Mississippi Forestry Commission to provide assistance and training in urban areas to develop community forest programs. This includes assisting with tree ordinances, street tree inventories, and urban forest management plans.

More Information

For more information about Mississippi Forestry Commission programs, contact:

MFC Outreach