MFC VFA Release June 2018
The Mississippi Forestry Commission is now accepting grant applications for the Volunteer Fire Assistance Program from rural volunteer fire departments statewide.
MS Forestry Commission Helps Rural Volunteer Fire Departments Purchase Equipment
The Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) is now accepting grant applications for the Volunteer Fire Assistance Program from rural volunteer fire departments (VFDs) statewide. The Volunteer Fire Assistance Program, formerly known as the Rural Community Fire Protection Program, provides grant funds to eligible rural VFDs for the purchase of wildland firefighting equipment. The Mississippi Forestry Commission administers this program through an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service.
Applications must be received by Wednesday, August 8, 2018.
To download the application, visit our Rural Fire Assistance page.
“We value our volunteer firefighting partners. Their hard work and assistance are greatly appreciated as we work together protecting people’s lives, homes, and forestland,” said Charlie Morgan, State Forester. “Helping rural volunteer fire departments purchase the equipment they need through these federal grant funds benefits the communities they serve.”
In FY 2017, the MFC awarded 43 grants with a total value of $184,500 to volunteer fire departments through the Volunteer Fire Assistance Program. The Mississippi Forestry Commission also issued 42 vehicles and 189 other pieces of wildland firefighting equipment with an estimated value of $10.5 million to volunteer fire departments statewide through the Firefighter Property Program, which is a federal excess property program that allows the purchase of government surplus vehicles for wildland and rural firefighting.
For more information on these programs, visit our Rural Fire Assistance page.
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